This covers the insured device for accidental, unforeseen, physical loss or damage.
If the device is stolen.
Accidentally losing a device.
Liquid damage
Accidental damage through exposure to moisture.
Accidental physical damage
Accidental sudden and physical damage.
Gaurdrisk will pay to repair the broken device, or will replace it with the same make and model if you claim for any of the above reasons. No claims will be paid in cash.
This covers the insured device for damage caused by liquid entering it by accident, and any form of physical accidental damage, with a basic excess Buy-Down of 50%.
Liquid damage
Accidental damage through exposure to moisture.
Accidental physical damage
Accidental sudden and physical damage
This covers the insured device against loss and theft only with no excess Buy-Down.
If the device is stolen.
Accidentally losing, a device.
This covers the isured device for accidental physical damage, and includes a basic excess Buy-Down of 50%.
Accidental physical damage
If we're able to repair your device at a reasonable cost, then the insurance costs will be covered. However, if the cost of repair exceeds 70% of its insured value, your device will not be fixed or replaced.
Cloning, unlawful SIM swaps, the unlawful usage of your data, and will get data restoration.
SIM Swap Cover
The cost of an authorised replaicement SIM card swap, up to a value of R150 (inclusive of VAT) will be covered once you've successfully made your claim.
Unlawful usage
Any charges up to R1 000 (inclusive of VAT) unlawfully debited from your MTN account with your SIM will be covered within 24 hours after your device is lost or stolen and you've blacklisted it.
SIM Card Cloning Cover
You'll get a combination of R500 in airtime and data if your SIM card is cloned. Only a maximum of 2 SIM card cloning claims within a rolling 12 month period are allowed.
Data Restoration
A maximum of R1 00 will be paid for an expert to attempt data and software restoration to your device.
If the data restoration is not possible for any reason, despite the attempts by the Authorised Repair Centre, neither MTN, the insurer or the Administrator will be liable for the loss of data.
This is an optional benefit that helps you reduce your basic excess by 50% on certain cover options.
Gaurdrisk will reduce the total of the basic excess you have to pay by 50%. If your basic excess would have been R1 000.00 it would now be R500.00 if you selected Excess Buy-Down when taking out the policy.
Excess Buy-Down can only be selected as an add-on benefit if one of the following covers have been selected: All Risk; Liquid & Accidental; or Repair Only.
SIM Card Cloning Cover
You'll get a combination of R500 in airtime and data if your SIM card is cloned. Only a maximum of 2 SIM card cloning claims within a rolling 12 month period are allowed.
Data Restoration
A maximum of R1 00 will be paid for an expert to attempt data and software restoration to your device.
If the data restoration is not possible for any reason, despite the attempts by the Authorised Repair Centre, neither MTN, the insurer or the Administrator will be liable for the loss of data.